Phone Number Migrator

The migrator is a tool which takes in a given E.164 phone number(s) input as well as the corresponding BCP-47 country code. The tool will then check the validity of the phone number based on the country code and if possible, will convert the number into a valid, dialable format.

The following are the two available migration types that can be performed:

For more information on the capabilities of the migrator as well as instructions on how to install the command line tool, please view the documentation.

Single Number Migration

Enter a phone number in E.164 format. Inputted numbers can include spaces, curved brackets and hyphens

Enter the BCP-47 country code in which the specified E.164 phone number belongs to

(Optional) Upload a csv file containing a custom recipes table to be used for migrations. To understand how to create a custom recipe file, please view the documentation.

File Migration

Upload a file containing one E.164 phone number per line. Numbers can include spaces, curved brackets and hyphens

Enter the BCP-47 country code in which the E.164 phone numbers from the specified file belong to

(Optional) Upload a csv file containing a custom recipes table to be used for migrations. To understand how to create a custom recipe file, please view the documentation.